Backend | Frontend
- Project name
- Cocktail-Maker
- Technologies
- Docker, Vue.js, Spring, Ajax, Maven, Raspberry Pi
- Languages
- Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS
CocktailPi is not only a piece of software. It’s a cocktail-mixing-machine, that works with a Raspberry-Pi, that controls multiple pumps, which have different ingredients assigned. CocktailPi provides a UI, that can be accessed via web browser. Admins can create other users and assign them to multiple roles with different permissions. Users can create own cocktails and if CocktailPi has all the needed ingredients, they can order them. Cocktails can be categorized and shared with other users.
New recipes can be created in the UI. The user can add ingredients to different production steps. Ingredients that are in the same production step get bottled at the same time. The order in which ingredients get bottled can be changed via drag & drop.
Links & downloads:
Local Project Page: View Project Page
Source code: click
Demo: click (User: admin, Password: 123456)