
I'm Alexander Liggesmeyer

  • E-mail contact@mail.liggesmeyer.net

Hello! My name is Alexander Liggesmeyer. I am currently doing my Ph.D. in the field of Human Computer Interaction (Computer Science) at Saarland University in Saarbrücken. I love creating software that actually creates value for the people using it.



Backend Programming


Backend Programming

Project name

Pi4J is intended to provide a friendly object-oriented I/O API and implementation libraries for Java Programmers to access the full I/O capabilities of the Raspberry Pi platform. This project abstracts the low-level native integration and interrupt monitoring to enable Java programmers to focus on implementing their application business logic. I am part of the Pi4J core team.


Backend Frontend


Backend Frontend

Project name
Docker, Vue.js, Spring, Ajax, Maven, Raspberry Pi
Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS

CocktailPi is not only a piece of software. It’s a cocktail-mixing-machine, that works with a Raspberry-Pi, that controls multiple pumps, which have different ingredients assigned. CocktailPi provides a UI, that can be accessed via web browser. Admins can create other users and assign them to multiple roles with different permissions. Users can create and edit cocktails. Recipes can be ordered if all required ingredients are available. Cocktails can be categorized and shared with other users.

User: Admin Password: 123456

Battleships client & server

Backend Frontend Team

Battleships client & server

Backend Frontend Team

Project name
Distributed application
Gradle, Java FX

‚Battleships‘ was a student project that I developed with a team of three students as part of the course ‚Entwicklung verteilter Anwendungen‘ (Development of distributed applications) at the University of Applied Sciences in Kaiserslautern.
The project was an implementation of the popular game ‚Battleships‘, where two players try to sink each other’s ships.
The application consists of two parts: a server that acts as a middleman and a client that connects to the server.

Additional features:

  • Player-accounts are stored in a SQLite database. Passwords are encrypted.
  • Packets are validated server-side.
  • Multiple games can be played concurrently.
  • Error detection is implemented, for example, if a player loses their connection to the server.
  • An in-game chat
  • Rematch functionality

Show project


Backend Frontend Team


Backend Frontend Team

Project name
University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern
Docker, Vue.js, Spring, Ajax, Maven
Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS

During my studies at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, I had a student job at the faculty of Computer Sciences and Microsystems Technology. Along with other students and my professor, Prof. Dr. Bastian Beggel, I worked on a web application that allowed students to learn SQL. The application allowed students to solve exercises that contained ‚SELECT‘, ‚CREATE TABLE‘, ‚UPDATE‘, and ‚DELETE‘ statements. A bonus point and achievement system were implemented to motivate students to complete their exercises.

I developed the following parts of the project:

  • Achievement and bonus point system (backend)
  • Automatic achievement description generator (backend)
  • Global achievement ranking between users (backend)
  • Achievement editor (frontend & backend)
  • Exercise, scenario, and group editor
  • User request WebSocket refactoring
  • Vue-router for exercises
  • Exam evaluation system (including encryption of all data that belongs to an exam and decryption per password)
  • Query-rule system to ensure that students couldn’t solve specific exercises using another method than the expected one (backend)
  • External registration and verification system (frontend & backend)
  • Create table exercises (backend)
  • Performance improvements by delegating multiple tasks to different threads (backend)

The DB-Coach is a single-page application programmed with Vue.js and a Java backend based on the Spring framework

Show project


Backend Frontend


Backend Frontend

Project name
single-page application
Docker, Microprofile, Openlibery, Ajax, Maven
Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

RateMe is a single-page application that I developed in one of my classes at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern. It allows registered users to rate pubs and restaurants in and near the city of Zweibrücken. Ratings consist of a grade (in stars) between 1 and 5, a text description, and an optional image. The website does not use any frameworks, and it has been coded using basic JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The application uses a Java backend that provides the required REST endpoints, which have been implemented using the MicroProfile framework and the OpenLiberty server. The entire application can be started using Docker and configured using environment variables or manually by starting the server.

View Source Code

Advanced Region Market


Advanced Region Market


Project name

AdvancedRegionMarket is my first Java project. It is a plugin for the Minecraft server API called Spigot, which allows server admins to sell or rent in-game regions to players using in-game currency. To achieve this, AdvancedRegionMarket integrates with WorldGuard, which defines regions, WorldEdit, which is used to restore regions, and Vault, which provides an API to communicate with in-game currency plugins.

The plugin consists of around 30,000 lines of Java code, has been downloaded more than 100,000 times, and has an average rating of 4.93 out of 5 stars.

Work Experience



If you are interested in hiring me, feel free to
contact me!

Nov. 2023 - Now

Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Student worker

Student worker at the "Network and Cloud Systems" group.

Apr. 2023 - Okt. 2024

Saarland University

Student Tutor

Stutent tutor for the "Embedded Systems" lecture.
Tasks: Supervising students, holding tutorial lectures, correcting exams.

Nov. 2021 - Jan. 2022

Software AG

Thesis student

Thesis of my Bachelor's degree course at the "University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern".
Topic: Design, development and evaluation of self-learning algorithms for AI-assisted machine condition determination in real-time industrial environments

May. 2021 - Oct. 2021



Mandatory internship of my bachelor degree course at the "University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern"

Nov. 2019 - Nov. 2020

University of applied sciences Kaiserslautern

Research assistant

I was responsible for developing the SQL online trainer "DB-Coach," which is used to teach students the database language SQL. More information on the DB-Coach can be found here.

2015 - 2017



AL-Luftfotografie was a small company of mine that I created as a student (I was 16) to earn some money by taking aerial photos using modern drones. The company enabled me to get jobs from other companies and therefore earn more money.


2024 - Now

Computer Science (Ph.D.)

Saarland University

2022 - 2024

Computer Science (M.Sc.)

Saarland University

Final grade: 1,0 - passed with distinction
Thesis: Investigating Attacks Impacts on Clock Synchronization Protocols via Simulation Analysis

2018 - 2022

Applied Computer Science (B.Sc.)

University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern

Final grade: 1,1 - passed with distinction
Thesis: Design, development and evaluation of self-learning algorithms for AI-assisted machine condition determination in real-time industrial environments

2014 - 2017


Technisches Gymnasium Kaiserslautern

Final grade: 1,8

2008 - 2014

Middle maturity

IGS Goetheschule Kaiserslautern

2005 - 2008

Elementary school

Grundschule auf dem Betzenberg - Kaiserslautern

Awards and Certificates

Deutschland-stipendium 2020/2021


Deutschland-stipendium 2020/2021


In 2020 I got the scholarship Deutschlandstipendium in cooperation with Empolis.

Deutschland-stipendium 2019/2020


Deutschland-stipendium 2019/2020


In 2019 I got the scholarship Deutschlandstipendium in cooperation with Empolis.

DLRG international pool lifeguard


DLRG international pool lifeguard



LEO-Club member

Certificate of attendance

LEO-Club member

Certificate of attendance

Lerning and presentation techniques

Certificate of attendance

Lerning and presentation techniques

Certificate of attendance


Deutsche Schülerakademie

Certificate of attendance

Deutsche Schülerakademie

Certificate of attendance

Social Engagement

2022 - Now


Leo Club Saarlouis

The Leo-Club is a nonprofit organization that consists of people who want to help the general public.

2019 - 2022



The unixAG is a student organization that deals with providing various hosted services for students. For instance, the group provides free web spaces for all students that study at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern

2019 - 2021



The AStA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss) at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern provides various services for students, organizes parties, and is one of the first points of contact for students who need help.

2017 - Now


German informatics society

2017 - 2021


Leo Club Kaiserslautern

The Leo-Club is a non-profit organization that consists of people who want to help the general public. For example, we collect food donations and take them to the "Tafel" in order to help people in need.