I'm Alexander Liggesmeyer
- E-mail contact@mail.liggesmeyer.net
Hello! My name is Alexander Liggesmeyer. I am currently doing my Ph.D. in the field of Software Engineering (Computer Science) at CISPA and Saarland University in Saarbrücken. I love creating software that actually creates value for the people using it.
Work Experience
If you are interested in hiring me, feel free to
contact me!
Student worker at the "Network and Cloud Systems" group.
Stutent tutor for the "Embedded Systems" lecture.
Tasks: Supervising students, holding tutorial lectures, correcting exams.
Thesis of my Bachelor's degree course at the "University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern".
Topic: Design, development and evaluation of self-learning algorithms for AI-assisted machine condition determination in real-time industrial environments
Mandatory internship of my bachelor degree course at the "University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern"
I was responsible for developing the SQL online trainer "DB-Coach," which is used to teach students the database language SQL. More information on the DB-Coach can be found here.

AL-Luftfotografie was a small company of mine that I created as a student to earn some money by taking aerial photos using modern drones. The company enabled me to get jobs from other companies and therefore earn more money.
Final grade: 1,0 - passed with distinction
Thesis: Investigating Attacks Impacts on Clock Synchronization Protocols via Simulation Analysis
Final grade: 1,1 - passed with distinction
Thesis: Design, development and evaluation of self-learning algorithms for AI-assisted machine condition determination in real-time industrial environments
Final grade: 1,8
Awards and Certificates
Social Engagement
The Leo-Club is a nonprofit organization that consists of people who want to help the general public.
The unixAG is a student organization that deals with providing various hosted services for students. For instance, the group provides free web spaces for all students that study at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern
The AStA (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss) at the University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern provides various services for students, organizes parties, and is one of the first points of contact for students who need help.
The Leo-Club is a non-profit organization that consists of people who want to help the general public. For example, we collect food donations and take them to the "Tafel" in order to help people in need.